Sunday, September 8, 2013


I sit in my cell today and stay as positive as I can be. I feel really bad and it pisses me off because it can be prevented.
You see I'm a diabetic. My blood sugar without the proper amount of insulin goes very high and causes all types of problem like loss of energy, extreme thirst and headaches. It also over time does horrible things to your body. You can go blind or lose your foot do to poor circulation. 

My blood sugar has been between 200 and 300 every day for 2 weeks now and I can't get it fixed when normal is 100.
To them we are animals. Though I don't think I could treat an animal the way we are treated. 

Should our medical needs be neglected like this? Some believe it's a waste of taxpayers money to even keep us alive let alone supply medication and treatment for something such as diabetes. Do to my situation I would have to disagree :)

What about you? If you are reading this, you have an opinion? Should I shut up and deal with it as part of my sentence? Am I asking for something I don't deserve based on my actions? Or is it cruel to punish someone every day with the effects of a disease that could kill him by neglecting and refusing to give medical attention?

I would like a response. Often I have to evaluate my way of thinking and other people's insights help. So please feel free to comment. 

I will keep a post as often as I can. 
Until my next post - be safe. 

One man caged

Ricky Silva DC# L24722
Florida State Prison
7819 N.W. 228th street
Raiford, Florida 32026


  1. Riky i believe they should provide all proper medical needs for all inmates and no you should not have to suffer every day like that the court handed you a sentence already thats plenty enough suffering for one to deal with the guards should not be the way they are it's wrong my good friend is on death row at uci and the guards are mean and cruel to those guys to any way man hang in there bro

  2. To all who read this:
    I am his sister, and I am urging anyone who thinks this is absolutely wrong and should be considered attempted murder by the people denying the needed insulin to please call Governor Rick Scott at 1-850-717-9337 or 1-850-488-7146 and make a complaint on all inmates behalf. I am. Will you? Love ya Ricky. I'm workin on it.

  3. Ricky,
    I have left a message for the governor to get in contact with me over this issue. Just sit tight. Love you always. Your sister.

  4. The Governor's office has called me and you should be receiving your insulin. I was told the information will be sent over to the prison and you will receive the insulin. I was also told you should not have this website as it is not allowed. Is this wise decision making on your part? Your sister.

  5. Can you please tell Ricky that I will write to him today, nobody should be treated like this it is in-humane. Keep strong and be safe also Ricky. Michaela.

  6. Ricky, Your sentence absolutely does not include having your medical needs neglected. You might be the one being treated like an animal, but it's evident who the animals are here.

  7. No of course you should not be denied medical care and the drugs you need to survive.its another way in which sticks like to get their kicks keeping you anxious that you're reliant on them for your life every day. Your sis seems on the case about this. Also iv gotta agree with her, the issues being this blog might hold you back. However unjust that is you have to think about not pissin the authorities off for your lfuture .j.
