Saturday, May 4, 2013


For the record, I'm not miserable. I just think life sucks a lot of the time.

The building and cell I live in go as such. It's one long wing with 30 cells, 15 cells on each side. We don't have bar fronts, we have big steel doors with a little space at the bottom. There is a 10 by 10 inch window, we have a bunch of mice that run around and we feed them. Some of us keep them as pets. We also have big roaches that everyone hates.

There is a concrete slap at the back of my cell on which my matt (3 inches thick) sits. The cell is about 6 feet wide and 7,5 feet long. There is a steel toilet and sink connected together.
Supplies are very hard to come by. They give us toilet paper once every 10 days, no sooner and often a lot longer. Lots of convicts use a sock when they run out of toilet paper. We get one small bar of soap a week and the soap looks like a credit card. They don't give you deodorant, you have to buy it. No $$ then you're just shit out of luck.

I realize it shouldn't be a country club but it shouln't be torture either.

We get very small portions of food. Yet because we are confined 24 hours a day to our cell, we must exercise or our joints will jam up and the exercise makes us incredible hungry. That's putting it nice, the proper way to say it would be - fucking starving. :)

Yeah, all in all: This shit is crazy!

We are giving a week: 6 hours, 3 times 2 hour periods in a 12 food cage outdoors, 3 times 5 minutes showers and 1 shave. Other than that we don't leave our cells. Right now other than a shower 3 times a week for 5 minutes I have not left my cell for the last 6 months.

In one of my next postings I will introduce you to some of the people who live on the wing with me. If you think I'm a little wacked out after 3,5 years in confinement, there are some of us who have been in solitary confinement for 10 and 19 years. Does even criminals deserve that?
I'll be the first to say I deserve my punishment of life in prison for the shitty things I did to support my drug habit. I was a slave to drugs but I accept my punishment of prison for my choices.

However, this solitary long term for so long is torture. No one deserve this.

Should you have any questions I can answer for you, whether there about me or my situation or anything, please e-mail me and I'll try to answer all of them.
(E-mail contact on my blog profile)
You may not like the answer but I will ALWAYS be honest.
If you wish to write me personally, my address is below. I will get letters faster than emails (I know how crazy that sounds) but a letter is a better way.

I will update as often as I can with poetry and chat stuff.


Ricky Silva DC# L24722
Florida State Prison
7819 NW 228th street
Raiford, Florida 32026

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