I said I would tell you of those games and so I will and it's not only on solitary confinement that these games are played it's in open population as well. For example you have a lot of convicts on solitary confinement for up to 2 years because when in open population they made another convict angry.
And to get even that convict, planted a shank "knife" inside his cell at some free moment and then told the guards that he had a shank and was going to kill someone. The guards go and search the cell and find the planted shank. And guess what? The guy got set up and now will be in solitary for no less than 18 months.
It doesn't matter that there is no proof, the appeal system is a joke.
Once on solitary you have to watch out for all kinds of other games. Someone may get mad at you over some disagreement and write a inmate request to change your diet. They put your name on the request like it's coming from you. Next thing you know you are getting a alternate diet with no meat on it and it takes almost a month to get it changed.
Or maybe someone is real hungry or wants cigarettes they will make a whole made shank from the metal of the recreation cage and turn it in to the guards. For in return they might get extra food or cigarettes. However the same shank they sell to the guards is the one the guards use to plant in the cell of a convict that pisses them off.
So we hurt each other in hopes to get a little help from the guards. People do a lot of things on solitary they may not do in open population because they don't have to face "convict justice" which in all likelyhood would deter them from doing those things. If when they did those things they got a good ass kicking they would think twice. But on solitary they can hide in their cell and do as they please and no one can get to them or hurt them. Thus no "convict justice".
I will explain convict justice in my next post. Until then BE SAFE.
one man caged
Ricky Silva DC# L24722
Florida State Prison
7819 N.W. 228th street
Raiford, Florida 32026